Site supervision and coordination
Tunnel chain
St. Kanzian, Austria
This project was realized in cooperation of IGT and the engineering office laabmayr.
IGT undertook site supervision on behalf of ÖBB Infrastruktur (Austrian Federal Railways Infrastructure). The St. Kanzian chain of tunnels includes a 620m-long cut-and-cover tunnel in Srejach, a 665m-long mined tunnel in Untersammelsdorf and the 230m-long open-cut Paratschitzen Tunnel.
Difficult ground conditions were presented by the lacustrine clay. Intricate measures such as ground improvement, jet grouting, riprap, thousands of jet-grouted piles, and bored piles were undertaken to provide ground support and waterstops.
The programme constraints presented by pre-excavation specialist underground works presented extra complexity. A reduction in the groundwater management systems was made possible by constant monitoring of the conditions on site.
The three new railway tunnels were completed successfully through intensive coordination with all parties to the project. This allowed additions and modifications to the testing, monitoring and construction measures to optimise quality and minimise risks.