When you are as good at planning tunnels as we are, you don’t need to conquer every mountain.
Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Bach
CEO Austrian Tunnel Engineers
About us

We build tunnels – it’s our passion
Many proposals in tunnel construction require future-proof solutions. We are fascinated by exploring places where no human has gone before. The construction of a tunnel must be planned with the highest care and diligence.

It fills us with joy and pride to know that we are contributing to a more innovative future for mankind.
In the construction industry, one needs earplugs and staying power.
Our projects usually require several years. As a result, human qualities such as loyalty, trust solidarity come to the fore in the lifetime of a project.

We value our loyal staff greatly. Their passion and stamina are dependable, and it is only through them that we can guarantee a successful project. ATE is a long-term partner for both its clients and its staff.
We ensure that a tunnel works. The philosophy of ATE is based on three columns.
1. The bravery to decide
Being confident to make a key decision is a capability that really makes the difference in a difficult situation. We understand this responsibility and trust ourselves to deliver unconventional solutions in challenging phases of a project. Thought-though, in real time and unerring.
2. Experience
Every step of our work is accompanied by technical specialists with many years’ experience. We stand by your side up to completion. ATE ensures professional teamwork in every circumstance, no matter how unpredictable.
3. Drive
Every tunnel is unique. We can never know with 100 % certainty what will arise, and this exactly what makes our work so fascinating. Nature demands flexibility as a factor in design. Knowledge, passion, and experience are the most important tools for success.


Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Bach
CEO Austrian Tunnel Engineers

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Neumayr
CEO Austrian Tunnel Engineers